Found 112 blog entries tagged as Realtor.


Tips for Planting A Garden In Canada

Planting a garden, whether it’s vegetables or flowers, can be a time-consuming venture. However, your time and hard work is eventually rewarded with beautiful flowers or a bountiful harvest.

Below are a few tips for planting a garden to be proud of:

- Determine what type of plant will grow well in City. Keep in mind that Zone 2 or Zone 3 plants will do well in Canada.

- Consider the layout of your yard. Is there more sun than shade or a bit of both?

- Do you have animals? How will you maintain the integrity of your garden while keeping the dogs from trampling on the kale?

- Once you know what you can easily plant, determine the best planting times. Some plants may require pre-planting indoors so…

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Happiness is banking with ATB.

The Top Economic Stories of 2020 Part 5 of 5


After a sluggish 2019, it was hoped that Alberta’s economy would pick up steam in 2020.

Then COVID happened.

The negative economic effects of the pandemic were initially underestimated. COVID-19 was seen by many as a short-term disruption that would be over almost as soon as it began. If only.

Once it was clear the pandemic would be with us for some time, the negative economic effects were overestimated with talk of another Great Depression making headlines.

The economic…

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Happiness is banking with ATB.

The Top Economic Stories of 2020 Part 4 of 5

Notwithstanding the many American citizens who live in Canada, most of us cannot vote in U.S. elections. And yet, we pay attention to them as much or more than we do our own—at least when the presidency is on the line. The U.S. is, after all, our neighbour, largest trading partner, military ally, main source of tourists and the winter landing spot for many snowbirds from Canada. 

The recent race between President Trump and former Vice President Biden for what is arguably the most powerful elected position in the world was particularly gripping.

What does…

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